So you may be wondering what the next step is in our journey… well, here’s what I’m thinking. First, find the right business partner / brewmaster. We are working that. Second, find the right business partner / Sales and Marketing Director. We posted that job today on and another website. Hopefully, that will get some traction.
After finding the right business partners, we’ll need to engage with our Legal Team. Our Operating Agreement will have to be updated and finalized. Then our newly anointed partners will have to review and update the business plan with their knowledge. No doubt a brewmaster and a sales and marketing professional will know more about those two subjects…
When the business plan becomes pretty true to what we envision as a team, it’s time for the funding to begin. We’ll go out to our Fool network and ask for investors through what’s called a Private Placement Offering. You may wonder what that means. I know I did… let’s just say its complicated and full of a bunch of legal jargon that references safe harbors for people who aren’t on boats.
There are some pretty specific rules around asking for people to invest, again bring in the legal team to ensure we are acting appropriately.
Upon receiving a funding level that will sustain the business, and we’re not talking peanuts, it will be time for us to take the leap as a business. That means turning off the old jobs and turning on the new ownership in the brewery.
Well, it’s approaching beer thirty in Anchorage. Cheers and happy Friday from a hopfool.
I would like to formally apply for the position of product sampler/taste master....also I would like to be part of the logo creation and swag distribution team.