Hi Y’all,
I’m writing a quick update at 30,000 feet and am wondering why do the airlines (with the exception of Alaska Airlines) not sell craft beer? The US airlines needs to embrace craft beer! Enough on my flying rant… Here’s an update on Second Line Brewing… we’re working with an engineering firm to ensure that the building is up to snuff – what does this include? First, is the fire suppression system in good working order? Is the slab of the building strong enough to support our tanks? Is the electrical system adequate or do we need to upgrade it? Where are we going to put our backup generator? Are we in compliance with all of the various building codes? Where is the most cost effective place to put our tap room, etc.
We’re hoping to have those questions answered soon. We’re also working with our very smart and beer savvy lawyer on updating our operating agreement. We’ve had several people approach us who want to invest in Second Line. While we are excited by the interest, we need to ensure we’re following the SEC rules and have our operating agreement up to snuff from a legal standpoint. A startup is risky business but in the words of friends down at King Street Brewing, "if you brew it, they will drink it"!
We had a great time at Jazz Fest and did a bit of gorilla marketing by handing out Second Line t-shirts. That was a lot of fun and the weather was the best – both weekends were beautiful. I can’t remember a Jazz Fest when it didn’t rain at least one weekend.
We’re still working on our business plan and have been updating it as needed. We think our pro forma is fairly reasonable and accurate based on benchmarking data from the Brewer’s Association and other industry sources.
Since so many people were in town for Jazz Fest, we also held several tastings and we were able to share a few Second Line brews with Jeremy Labadie (aka "the Beer Buddha") and Nora Mcgunnigle. Great people and huge craft beer enthusiasts – you’ve got to love that…
We’re still targeting a soft opening in November so I hope my next blog posts states that brewhouse is being built.
Cheers for now y’all.